List of 50 Funny Puns and Jokes about Eggs

A selection of funny egg related humor - ideal if you're looking to crack up your friends or add some egg-stra fun to your social media captions!
Egg related Puns
- A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
- What do you call an egg that's gone off? Egg-spired!
- What do you call an egg who's always telling jokes? A yolk-ster!
- How does a hen leave her coop? Through the eggs-it!
- Where is the best place to learn about eggs? The hen-cyclopedia!
- How did the chicken feel after a long day on the farm? Eggs-hausted!
- Why couldn't the chicken find her eggs? Because she mislaid them.
- What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan? It scrambled!
- The egg didn't want to go to school because he didn't study for the eggs-am.
- What grows on yolk trees? Egg-corns!
- I’m tired of looking silly walking around the supermarket so I put my eggs all in one basket.
- What do you call a city with 25 million eggs? New Yolk City.
- How do chickens stay fit? They eggs-ercise!
- The police spent ages questioning the egg, I think it's about to crack!
- How can you tell if an egg’s been boiled or not? Eggs-ray vision.
- What sport are eggs best at? Running.
- What do you call a mischievous egg? A practical-yolker.
- What did the egg say about escaping the chef? I might 'whisk' it and 'run'!
- What do you call an egg that likes to travel? An Egg-splorer!
- I need a double shot of eggs-presso.
Funny Jokes about Eggs
- How do you make an egg roll? Give it a little push!
- What does a meditating egg say? "Ohmmmmmmmmmlet."
- What's an egg's least favorite day of the week? Fry-day!
- How do monsters like their eggs? Terri-fried!
- Why did the egg hide behind it's mum? It was a little chicken!
- Where is the best place to learn about eggs? In the hen-cyclopedia.
- Why don't eggs tell each other jokes? They'd crack each other up!
- How can you drop an egg six feet without breaking it? By dropping it seven feet – it won’t break for the first six.
- How many eggs does it take to screw in a light bulb? None. Eggs don’t have hands.
- How did the egg get up the mountain? It scrambled up!
- How do comedians like their eggs? Funny side up!
- How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Just one, because then your stomach won’t be empty.
- What kind of egg lives by the sea? An egg shell.
- What can't be used until it's broken? An egg.
- What do you call a hen who counts her eggs? A mathemachicken!
Write your own egg related puns
Coming up with your own egg puns to share on social media or with a friend is simpler than you might think. To get started, think of words that contain sounds similar to "egg" (words beginning with "ex" are the easiest), such as excellent or example—these then become egg-cellent and egg-sample! Another approach is to swap in egg related words like yolk, shell, scramble, nest, or hatch in place of similar sounding words, such as "yolk’s on you" instead of "joke’s on you."
Here are some extra egg related puns, using the method above, perfect for bringing a smile to someone's face or adding a playful touch to special occasion cards!
- You’re egg-stra special!
- Hope you have a crackin’ good time!
- Hello? Are you egg-noring me?
- You crack me up!
- Hope your day is egg-citing!
- Let’s shell-ebrate!
- I’m egg-stremely grateful for you!
- You're the sunny side to my day!
- Omelette you in on a secret... you're amazing!
- No yolk, you’re the best!
- Have an egg-ceptional day!
- You always make me feel at nest!
- Sometimes you just have to break out of your shell!
- Thats all for now yolks.
- Crack a smile—it looks good on you!
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