Jokes, Puns & Other Fun

List of 55 Funny Puns and Jokes about Frogs

Last Updated: August 25, 2024

A selection of funny frog and toad related humor, use these jokes for making your friends and family laugh, whether you're a dedicated frog enthusiast, a pun aficionado, or just looking for some clever wordplay, you're in in the right place.

Frog related Puns

  1. What goes dot-dot-croak dash-croak-dot? Morse toad.
    Frog joke about morse toad
  2. Why did the tadpole have no friends? Because he was newt to the area.
  3. What do italian frogs like to eat? Parmesan Toad-ellini.
  4. How does a toad apologize? It says, "I’m sorry, I toad-ally messed up!""
  5. Toads love watching TV. They find it ribbiting.
  6. I went to the doctor toad-ay, luckily he gave me a good frog-nosis.
  7. What’s a toad’s favorite dessert? Croak-late cake!
  8. The short-sighted frog took a trip to the hopthalmologist.
    Joke about frog with bad vision
  9. You need to be a bit frog-al now that the bills are all going up.
  10. A frog's favorite music is hip-hop.
  11. Why did the toad ignore his imaginary friend? Because he realized it was just a frog-ment of its imagination.
  12. What do frogs do with paper? Rip-it!
  13. What do you get if you cross a frog with a rabbit? A bunny ribbit!
  14. What do you call a frog hanging from the ceiling? Mistle-toad.
  15. How do you say goodbye to a frog? Toad-a-loo!

Funny Jokes about Frogs

  1. What's a frog's favorite time of year? Leap year!
    Funny frog related joke
  2. Why don't frogs like scary movies? They are too jumpy!
  3. What is a toads favorite flower? Croak-us
  4. What do toads drink? Croaka-cola!
  5. Why don’t toads like fast food? They can’t catch it!
  6. What do you call a baby frog? A toad-ler
  7. Where do toads leave their hats and coats? In the croak-room!
  8. What do you call a frog that illegally parks its car? Toad.
  9. Why are frogs so good at basketball? Because they always make jump shots!
  10. What do you call a frog with no hind legs? Unhoppy.
  11. Why was the frog so happy? Because it eats whatever bugs it.
    Joke about frogs
  12. What's a frog's favorite candy? Lolli-hops
  13. What happens when you cross a frog and a dog? You get a croaker spaniel.
  14. What type of shoe do frogs wear? Open-toad sandals.
  15. Why did the frog go to the hospital? He needed a hoperation.
  16. What’s a toad’s favorite type of music? Anything with a good ribbitm!
    Joke about a toad's favorite type of music
  17. Why are frogs so good at keeping secrets? Because they never croak!
  18. How do toads send secret messages? They use crypt-toad-ography!
  19. What do frogs drink in winter? Hot croak-co.
  20. What’s a frog’s biggest flaw? They’re always jumping to conclusions.
  21. Did you hear about the frog who went to the bank with a gun? He wanted to robbit.

Punny saying and phrases

  1. Jump for joy, it’s your birthday.
    Punny frog phrase about jumping for joy
  2. Don’t worry, be hoppy on your birthday.
  3. Toad-ay is the big day!
  4. Sorry I frogot your birthday
  5. You toad-ally stop my heart.
  6. Wishing you a hopping good New Year! (Can be used for any seasonal event!)
  7. Toad-ally thankful for you!
  8. You’re unfrog-gettable.
  9. I hop you have a toad-ally awesome day.
    Punny frog saying about having a 'toad-ally' awesome day
  10. Ready, set, hop!
  11. Ribbit or not, here I come!
  12. Hoppy Birthday.
  13. I’m ribbiting with excitement about spending my life with you.
  14. You’re toad-ally awesome!
    Toad related pun about being awesome.
  15. I’m toad-ally devoted, to you.
  16. Life is better with a little ribbit in it
  17. Let’s leap into action.
  18. Hoppy days ahead.
  19. Toad you so! (Told)

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