40 Funny Mushroom Puns to make you a 'fun guy'

A selection of funny mushroom and funghi related puns and jokes - whether you're a mycologist or just a casual fun-guy (get it?), our list of promises a spore-tacular time!
Funny Mushroom Puns
- What did the mushroom request when booking his hotel? "A shroom with a view, please!"
- Our local woods are full of mushrooms right now. I’m always tripping on them.
- What are mushrooms’ favorite campfire treats? S’pores.
- How do you get into the mush-room? Ring the porta-bella.
- What do you call a fungi that makes music? A decomposer.
- Why couldn’t the mushroom get into the club? He wasn’t mold enough.
- What do you call a group of magic mushrooms performing on stage? The fungi-est show on earth!
- Eating mushrooms in the morning is the breakfast of champignons.
- Why did the mushroom get promoted at work? It was more than cap-able for the job.
- Mushroom puns are perfect for any occasion, they’re portabella and can be read on the go.
- Where do baby mushrooms grow before they are born? In the mushwomb!
- Mushrooms can’t be trusted—they’re notorious for stalk-ing.
- I had this long fungi joke, but I don’t have enough shroom to type it.
- Why didn’t the mushroom enter the weightlifting competition? Because he said he wasn’t stroganoff!
- What did the mycologist say to their lover? "You’re the champignon of my affection!"
Punny sayings
These mushroom related punny sayings are great for short messages and social media captions
- There’s so mushroom for you in my heart.
- Get well shroom.
- Shroom for improvement.
- You must be a real fun-gi.
- I’m not a fun-guy without you by my side!
- Spore me the details!
- We are the champignons.
- That’s what friends are spore.
- That doesn’t leave mushroom for error...
- Be sure to stay out of truffle.
- Let’s spore our love and watch it mushroom!
- Thank you very mush!
- I want to share a joke about fungus, but I don’t have enough shroom to write it down.
- No mushroom for error.
- I used to do that when I was young, now i'm too mold.
Mushroom-related jokes
- I took my final exam on magic mushrooms. I passed with flying colors!
- Did you hear the joke about fungus? You won’t like it at first, but it’ll grow on you.
- What room has no doors, walls, or floor? A mushroom.
- What did the mycologist tell the problem-solving mushroom? Put on your thinking cap!
- What’s the difference between a mushroom and a tree? One’s a tree.
- What did the mushroom say to its clumsy friend? Don’t trip!
- How do you tell poisonous mushrooms apart from the edible ones? You give them to someone else to eat first.
- How did the magic mushroom become a successful comedian? It always had the crowd tripping with laughter!
- What’s a magic mushroom’s favorite type of music? Trance.
- What platform do mushrooms use for their video conferences? Zhroom!
More Puns & Jokes
For more funny puns and jokes check out our suggested pages below: