55 Funny Dinosaur Puns, Jokes & One Liners

A selection of funny dinosaur related humor - this list of puns, one-liners and jokes are great for both dino enthusiasts or children who have a roaring passion for dinosaurs!
Funny Dinosaur Puns
- What do you call a T-Rex who can’t accept defeat? A saur loser.
- What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? Do-you-think-he-saurus.
- What do you call the dog of a dinosaur with one eye? Do-you-think-he-saurus rex.
- What does a dinosaur with sleep apnea do? He dino-snores.
- What do you call a dinosaur who eats curry too often? Mega-Sore-Ass.
- Why can’t you hear a Pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the pee is silent!
- What do you call it when a dinossaur has a car accident? A tyrannosaurus wreck!
- Why are dinosaurs never overweight? They’re surrounded by scales.
- What do you call a short spiky dinosaur who fell down the stairs? Ankle-is-sore-us.
- What do you call a dinosaur who's a noisy sleeper? A Tyranno-snorus!
- What did the dinosaur say to the cashier? Keep the climate change.
- What do you call the ghost of a dinosaur? A scaredactyl.
- Why was the teenage dinosaur so moody? ROARmones.
- Where did the dinosaur clown get a job? At the carnivore.
- How did the triceratops speed up his computer? He gave it a good RAM.
- Why did the Archaeopteryx catch the worm? Because it was an early bird.
- What else do you call a dinosaur fart? A blast from the past.
- What was the name of the fastest dinosaur? The prontosaur
- What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig? Jurassic Pork.
- What do you call a dinosaur that takes care of its teeth? A Floss-i-raptor.
Pun-based Dinosaur One Liners
- A British dinosaur is called a tea rex.
- Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures.
- I dino what to tell ya.
- A group of singing dinosaurs is called a tyranno-chorus.
- Here is your dinosaur toy! Would you like it gift raptor not?
- You laugh now, but the skeletal remains of dinosaurs don’t find it humerus.
- I’m a nervous rex when you’re around.
- After a dinosaur works out, it’s dino-sore.
- A dinosaur that knows a lot of words is a thesaurus.
- When you mix a dog and a dinosaur, you get a terrier-dactyl.
- A dinosaur that’s willing to give it a shot is a try-ceratops.
- The scariest dinosaur is a terror-dactyl.
- After a breakup, it’s a tyrannosaurus ex.
- Can you do it? You bet Jurassican.
- If Harry Potter was a dinosaur, he’d be a dinosaur-cerer.
Funny Dinosaur Jokes
- What is a dinosaur’s least favorite reindeer? Comet!
- How do dinosaurs pay their bills? With "Tyrannosaurus checks"!
- How do you ask a dinosaur to lunch? "Tea, Rex?"
- What’s a dinosaur’s favorite drink? Rex on the beach!
- Why did the Tyrannosaurus Rex cross the road? Because the chickens hadn’t evolved yet.
- What did the dinosaur call her blouse business? Try Sara’s Tops.
- Do you know how long dinosaurs lived? The same as short ones.
- What dinosaur could jump higher than a house? All of them. Houses can’t jump.
- What did Rex say to Woody after eating a toy? You got a friend in me.
- What do dinosaurs use on the floors of their kitchens? Rep-tiles.
- What’s the best thing to do if you see a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Pray that it doesn’t see you.
- What sport is a brontosaurus good at? Squash.
- What did the T-Rex say at lunchtime? Let's grab a bite!
- What came after the dinosaur? Its tail!
- What’s green and purple and goes up and down? Barney in an elevator.
- What do you call a paleontologist who sleeps all the time? Lazy bones.
- What did the dinosaur use to build his house? A dino-saw.
- Why does a Brontosaurus have a long neck? Because its feet smell!
- What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes? Out of the way as quickly as you can!
- What's the best way to raise a baby dinosaur? With a crane!
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